Security, Weapons, First Aid & CPR Training - LiveScan & Notary Services Available
.The Training Point INC.
GSA Class Info
Feel free to contact office at 301-776-2976 or email
on using online payment option if you have any questions.
Please fill out this form and our representative
will contact you.
if you do not receive a response within 48 hours please call us at 301-776-2976
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Choose which class or classes you would like to attend:
120 Hour FPS (GSA) Course (Best Deal) (All Included) $1,200.00 (Includes 64 Hr. FPS Basic SGIM Course, 40 Hr. Basic Weapons (ICE-9) Course, OC Initial, MEB, MDTS
40 Hour FPS (GSA) Refresher $450.00
40 Hour Basic Weapons (ICE A-9) Course $750.00
ICE A-9 Range Qual. w/FPS (4 hrs) $150.00
ICE A-9 Weapons Refresher only (8 hrs) 200.00
MEB Initial (8 hrs) $100.00
MEB Recert (4 hrs) $75.00
MDTS Initial (4 hrs) $100.00
MDTS Recert (4 hrs) $75.00
OC Spray Initial (4+ hrs) $100.00
OC Spray Recert (4 hrs) $85.00
CPR / FA / AED Recert (6.5 hrs) $90.00
CPR / FA / AED, Initial (8 hrs) $100.00
Maryland State Shoot, Initial (16 hrs) $275.00
Maryland State Shoot, Recert (8 hrs) $200.00
40 Hour DCSPO, Initial $450.00
8 Hour DCSPO refresher $150.00
4 Hour DCSPO Qualification $125.00
Glock or M&P Armor Cleaning $100.00
FPS Supervisor Course (9 hrs $175.00
HQL Handgun Qual. License (4 hrs) $100.00
Safariland MEB Instructor Training (call for pricing and scheduling)
Larry Smith OC Instructor Training (8 hrs) $300.00 call for scheduling
What date and time would you like to attend? (Please see the calendar for class dates and times)
Click here if the class you wish to attend is not on the calendar:
My class is not on the calendar but i would like to schedule a class.
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Internet Search
Current of former student
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